children learn through play

but adults play through art

artistic harmony

We miss accidental discovery.

It’s been a while since we just went out to play around.

The art of storytelling is your playground, allowing you to explore, learn, and grow.

Why Is That?

Because even though you can play with toys, you won’t get the same benefits as a kid would.

However, with age, you get access to more complex toys, and since we all here like to play with language, that’s not just one toy but an almost infinite toy box.

That’s why you should experiment with your storytelling as if it were a sandbox game.

Mix up structures, dabble in different styles, and switch perspectives.

Remember, this is your playground, free from rules.

The end goal is not perfection but the freedom and fun of exploration.

That’s something one of my favorite artists is so fond of.

Here is a short introduction to his process.

Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies

Creative block can be a game-ender. And the musician is aware of that.

Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies can rekindle your creative journey.

Each card from this unique set offers a cryptic message to disrupt your regular thinking patterns and lead you toward new trails of imagination.

Even though you could purchase a physical version, this one is available online for free.

As you go through the prompts, you will view the world differently.

You might start noticing things you weren’t aware of before.

See Yourself in Your Creation

Art serves as a mirror to your inner world.

Let it reflect your emotions, ideas, dreams, and even fears.

Engaging with your true self through art opens doors to profound personal growth and self-understanding.

By noting down your observation, you are already creating something unique.

Journalling could be considered a form of art.

A Challenge for You

This week, why not tell your story in a different, visual language?

Choose a personal experience or a story, and illustrate it.

The beauty here is not in the precision of your sketch, but in the fresh perspective it offers.

I even know a writer who turned his sketching habit into a book series.

Remember, a page is an open field to run wild, stumble, stand up, and discover your capabilities.

Continue playing, continue exploring, and above all, continue growing.

Love you,



A quicky today - I hope you will implement some of it in your routine!